Refresh Your Soul
Refresh your soul with encouragement, Bible studies, and inspiration to grow closer to God. See the blog to learn more.
Our soul is the essence of who we are. It lives on after our earthly body is gone. Cultivating soul wellness is about understanding ourselves and what God created us to be and do. How we accomplish this varies, but its importance remains. Refreshing our soul leads to a peace this world cannot give so let's begin!
Engage Your Mind
Learn everyday tools, tips, and strategies to engage your mind and improve wellness on the blog and in my Brain Boosters book.
Our mind directs our actions and connects our soul and body wellness. While our brain directs our body, our physical wellness also influences our brain. Mind and body work in concert and are often a reflection of each other.
We can engage our mind toward improved memory, focus, and a better quality of life. So let's begin!
Meet Jill
I'm Jill, a recovering perfectionist with a passion for wellness. Changing my perfectionist mindset positively impacted my life, wellness, and everyone around me. God doesn't love us because we are perfect, He loves us simply because we are.
As a former ICU nurse, family caregiver, and founder of MemoryMinders, I've witnessed how soul and mind wellness profoundly influence our lives. I believe wellness is rooted in our soul and directed by our mind. A refreshed soul and engaged mind form a foundation for wellness. With this foundation, we understand wellness isn't about perfectionism. It's about living our God-given life to its potential.
Let's refresh our souls and engage our minds to live the lives God desires for us.

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