Nurturing Relationships

Relationships take time and effort.  Anyone who is married, has a best friend or family understands this.  If you care about someone, you make the time and build the relationship.

At times it may be a struggle, but nurturing healthy relationships creates a stronger bond.  I make the effort for some relationships more than others.  My family and closest friends come to mind.  When I intentionally make time for those I care about, I reap the reward of caring relationships.

Saying yes to what’s important and no to what’s not as mentioned in last Wednesday’s post is how healthy relationships are nurtured.

A few years back, I realized the same holds true for my relationship with God.  God doesn’t just want our obedience.  He wants a relationship with us. I grew up learning and growing my faith in God. But as a young adult, I didn’t always nurture the relationship.

I neglected Him, but He never neglected me.  God saw me through some of the most difficult days of my life.  At a sad point in my life, I realized how much I missed connecting with Him. Slowly, I began to read my Bible again and reconnect.  It has forever changed me.

Recultivating my relationship with God has been a very personal and impactful journey. I don’t easily share about this remarkable change. But I pray His light can be seen radiating through me.

Following Him has led me on a path I would have never chosen or foreseen.  This journey of faith has created new relationships and generated impactful memories.  Along the way, I share what I’m learning with family, the children I teach at church, my Bible Study friends and you on this blog.

Our church is doing a Bible reading of the book of Romans this Lenten season.  This excites me as Romans is one of my favorite books of the Bible.  Won’t you join me? If you’d like to follow along, here’s the pdf of the outline. 2015 Romans Reading I’ll occasionally highlight a section or verse as we travel along together on our wellness journey.

Nurturing my soul wellness by connecting with God has strengthened my relationship with Him and led me to a purposeful life.  The more I seek Him, the more evident the path He has for me becomes.

Whether it’s with family, friends or most importantly, God, let us be intentional in our relationships.  Nurture your relationships and feed your soul, mind and body wellness.nurture relationships


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