A Wellness Restart

Ever find yourself physically or mentally drained?  I have, usually at the end of summer or a big life event.  This summer, I was determined not to wind up exhausted!

Ahh Summer-lazy days of doing nothing, relaxing and taking stock of life, right?  Not always the case for me.  Most summers, the variant schedule changes, trips and additional activities make me feel like a hamster in one of those rolling balls-always moving, but not necessarily going anywhere.  Not again!

I planned down time, additional assistance at work and home, and focused on being present to enjoy the fleeting summer. Even with unexpected additional responsibilities, I pretty much met my goal.  It was a fantastic summer and I’m not too drained physically or mentally! Focusing on what is important in life helped to accomplish my goal.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.            ~Matthew 6:33 NLT

This past Lenten season, I did a “Wellness Journey” in which I focused on a few areas of my life that needed additional attention.  I invited some friends to join me (and hold me accountable) and together we encouraged each other with new ideas, concepts and strategies to pay attention to our priorities.  It cemented my belief that our bodies, minds and souls are connected in a myriad of ways.

We need to concentrate on each of these areas-body, mind and soul.  I believe the wellness journey assisted me to stay focused on my goals this summer too.  The  differing schedules and activities in summer often alter my wellness routine.  Flipping the calendar page to September always feels like a restart.  It’s back to school, back into the swing of things.  So this fall I am going to do a wellness restart!

backtowellnessI am inviting you to join me for my Fall 12 Week Wellness Journey.  I plan on focusing on three particular areas: one each for my soul, mind and body.  While doing this personally, I will chronicle thoughts, tips, strategies and ideas on this blog,  Facebook and Twitter. I would love for you to join me.  Get inspiration, encouragement and learn new ways to help you refocus on your own wellness goals.

Starting next Wednesday, September 10, each week I’ll post 3 times: one for body, mind and soul.  12 weeks takes us to Thanksgiving-a perfect time to wrap up and give thanks!

So sign up here to get the posts delivered to your email , connect on Facebook & Twitter and continue to watch for further details in the next week!  Think about your own wellness goals, let’s restart and get back to wellness!

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