Four Steps to Live our Faith Daily

4 steps to live our faith

He is Risen! He is risen indeed, hallelujah! In the post Easter glow of celebrating Jesus’ resurrection, we may wonder how to live on earth while awaiting heaven one day. I believe the answer is to live our faith daily, continuing the salvation celebration and sharing our joy with those around us. No matter where …

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Favorite Books of 2021

What activity transports us to new places, creates new memories, educates and entertains our minds, and encourages our spirit? It’s reading of course! We could say the same about movies or music, but there is something about a good book to engage our imagination, inspire our intellect, and/or refresh our soul. In the past year, …

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A Word, a Plan, & a Prayer to Transform a Year

a word, a plan, a prayer to transform

While doing some year end reflection and planning, to my surprise, I discovered a word, a plan, and a prayer to wrap up a year unlike any other. I sense these three things will also help me begin next year well. The last few years I’ve been prompted to do some year end reflections and …

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Which Way to Turn

Lately, it’s confusing knowing which way to turn. Leaders disagree, plans cancel, and life as expected changes in a blink. But I’ve noticed something about knowing which way to turn. It’s a conscious and/or subconscious choice made thousands of times a day. And it begins with our thoughts. With every thought leading to action, we …

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Returning to a Joy Habit Part 2: Notable Non-fiction

Good habits create joy, memories, and momentum. Last year, returning to a joy habit of reading more did just that. Last week, we discussed my fiction faves. But most of my reading is non-fiction (although I’m hoping for more balance this year.) It was more difficult to pare down this list, so let’s get to …

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