Listening in Action

Ever sense God speaking? Whether least expected or searching for answers, we open our Bible or a devotion to the perfect verse or hear a song lyric speak directly to us. Often so spot on, it’s surreal. Other times, we cringe remembering God knows all and speaks even in our missteps. Regardless of how and …

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A Word, a Plan, & a Prayer to Transform a Year

a word, a plan, a prayer to transform

While doing some year end reflection and planning, to my surprise, I discovered a word, a plan, and a prayer to wrap up a year unlike any other. I sense these three things will also help me begin next year well. The last few years I’ve been prompted to do some year end reflections and …

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One Word Evolution

One word. Just pick a word to focus on for 2020. It’s an powerful practice I’ve done for the last few years. I reviewed my previous words of Joy, then a Present Presence, and Encourage. Now, it’s time for a new word, and one word kept popping up. It’s always been in the back of …

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