Windy rain swirls withered leaves into a brown residue amid the gray day. As colorful as those leaves were a few weeks ago, they now are disintegrating as the season shifts. Life’s seasons shift too and often leave our path unclear.
For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. ~Ecclesiastes 3:1
One minute life is humming a happy tune when a sudden shift ushers in a new season. Unexpected sickness or death, a move, new opportunity or life event abruptly change the landscape of our lives. Or seasons change when an idea, a longing or a sense for something new comes upon us. Often these shifts can be the most confusing. Which path to follow and when? If the path is difficult-do I switch to something else?
I love encouraging others along their paths, but sometimes the way is unclear for my own. Whatever I do, I know to pray first. When I seek Him, I find comfort and sometimes the next step. Then, it’s about taking that step. Try. Step out in faith. Even in a very small way. If doors continue to open and validation comes, keep going.
Other times, the steps are problematic, or red flags go up. Those flags and a sense of unease may mean this isn’t the path or right choice now. However, when we sense God is calling us to do something, the way may not always be easy. It often is much harder to follow where He leads, because He may be stretching us.
Some seasons of our life we do not enjoy. But similar to seasons in a year, seasons of life serve a purpose and allow for growth. We may not entirely or ever understand the seasons of our lives, but we can choose to make the best out of each of them.
Currently I am reading the story of Joseph in Genesis (chapters 37-50). Talk about a man who had every right to complain! He was almost killed by his brothers, but instead sold into slavery. Relegated to prison for doing the right thing, he literally endured many unfair moments in life. But each time he chose to do things God’s way. God honored and used Joseph to save his family-even the same brothers who wanted to kill him. God allowed difficult circumstances in Joseph’s life because He had a greater plan.
God will work all according to our good, even the tough or less than desirable patches and seasons of life. When we keep praying and seeking His path in all we do, He will never leave us and will guide us. But it’s up to us to keep trying by enlisting wisdom from His Word, and other godly people. Then, take those steps. Maybe a season we don’t like or understand is preparing us for a goal we haven’t even dreamed yet, but God has.
Every season of life may not be our favorite, but how we live the moments of each season makes a difference. Shifting perspective to make the best of even a rough season is crucial. Making that shift may just help us find the path we are meant to follow.