Singular Trust

My prayer list is too long. I can no longer remember all the wonderful people in need of prayer. Using my go-to memory technique, I write out the list and it feels even longer. Friends and loved ones with medical issues and/or life crises are seeking hope while enduring loss. The weight is overwhelming to pray for, let alone live. I find myself asking God, why? Why must your people go through this?

Maybe you’ve asked God this same question.

A few weeks back, I was asking God a different question-How? How am I supposed to do, manage or change X, Y and Z? One word kept coming back to me.  I think it answers both my questions of Why and How.


Whatever we have on our plate, are walking through or have to climb out of, may not be all about us. Maybe it’s for us to learn to trust in Him, or for others to see our faith. Or it may be for another purpose altogether.

At least once a day for the last few months, I sense God asking me to surrender something to Him; to trust He’s got it. Just writing those words seem silly. Of course, God’s got it. He’s GOD! He’s got everything.

But still, I worry, wonder, and question.

God’s got it covered, so what use is my questioning? Seeing the onslaught of bad circumstances all around me, I need to DO something. I’m learning to pray, surrender and trust more instead of question.

But it’s hard for me to just let go. I want to know how to better surrender. I want to know exactly how to trust all my everything to Him.

But God doesn’t always give us the full picture.

Therein lies the essence of trust and faith. We act without fully understanding.

We step out in faith.

We do whatever the next thing God is asking of us. Even if it’s scary, unknown, uncomfortable or unrealistic.

God’s here.  He’s with us. We can trust in Him as we act in faith, which may mean not knowing how or not understanding why. We may never know the answers we seek, but we’ll always know Who’s with us.

Are you in a difficult place? Are you asking why or how? Lean in close so these words sink into your soul:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

This is one of my favorite verses yet I read it with fresh eyes again this week. Our faith, our following God isn’t about our understanding.

It’s about our submission and trust in Him.[tweetthis]Faith isn’t always about understanding, but it is about #trust in God’s plan. [/tweetthis]

Yes, my prayer list is long and the issues in it concern me. But with each prayer, each breath, each moment, let’s submit them all to our God who’s got it. Let’s trust He’s in control even when we don’t understand the why or the how.

Let’s share our trust in the One, true God with others this Lenten season. He has redeemed us, is with us and will make our paths straight when we submit and trust in Him alone.

Linking up with Crystal Storms at #HeartEncouragement and Kelly Smith at #FridayFive and Kelly Balarie & Friends






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6 thoughts on “Singular Trust”

  1. Dear Jill, thank you for being so bravely transparent! I, too, struggle with questioning God. My head knows God has everything under control, but the deep down inside wallows all too frequently in wondering why or how. You are so right that submission makes all the difference. And knowing God is not only here and now, but in the there and then. Blessings for your journey!

    • I heard somewhere about conquering worry by remembering God is already there…thanks Alice He is in the now and the there, it’s letting go and trusting without understanding at its finest.

  2. This is my favorite verse as well. You have made me see it in a whole new way. Yes “Trust” is the key word. I love this. Thank you for sharing! God bless you!


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