Welcome to the Wellness Journey!

Wellness like life, is a journey, not a destination.  We don’t say “I am well” and then life is perfect.  It is a path we attempt to follow by making choices each day.  Just as I choose to follow Jesus daily, I make life choices in body, mind and soul daily.  Those choices of what I …

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How Are You-Really?

What I am“Hi!  How are you?” We ask this repeatedly-but how often do we receive (or want) an honest answer?  Usually, the reply is “fine”, “great” or “ok” when many of us really want to say “exhausted”, “worried”, or “wondering what’s next”. I understand that even though I may be feeling much of the above, I know I am well.

What I am and what I’m feeling are two different things.  I am well because I am well in my soul.  The rest are feelings.  Currently, I am feeling tired from a long weekend and a bit overwhelmed with all I have going on; but my life is blessed and I am well.

Attempting to see the big picture of life, I’ve concluded that big picture is not all my responsibility.  My future is secure in the saving grace of Jesus.  The rest is managing the “stuff” of this world and my feelings and reactions to said stuff.

This is part of what I’d like to explore in our Fall 12 week Wellness Journey.

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A Wellness Restart

Ever find yourself physically or mentally drained?  I have, usually at the end of summer or a big life event.  This summer, I was determined not to wind up exhausted! Ahh Summer-lazy days of doing nothing, relaxing and taking stock of life, right?  Not always the case for me.  Most summers, the variant schedule changes, …

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