The Juggling Act

Paying attention, I quickly catch and then carefully toss them again in the air. The effort and attention needed to keep all the balls in the air is exhausting.  While every ball is important, some are precious.  I attempt to give more attention to the precious balls but cannot, because here comes another one in the juggling act of my life.

I have numerous balls in the air and lately I’m thinking it’s too many.  I truly want to juggle all the people, projects and possessions I care about in my life.  But instead, I often wind up tired, short tempered or frustrated.  This year, this day, I am taking stock of my life and deciding which ball(s) to let go.

The theory is if I let go of one juggling ball, the rest will receive more of my time and attention.  True, assuming I don’t add another ball for the one I let go.  Every juggling act is about choices.  I need to choose wisely. juggling choose wisely

My friend posted the other day about feeling as though she’s in a relay race with no one to tag.  What a great visual reminder of how quickly life goes by while we are juggling all these balls.

Mulling this idea, I realize it may not about which ball to let go, but which to grasp more firmly.

Earlier this week, I wrote about relationships and memories on the MemoryMinders blog and have been thinking ever since.  The most important relationship I have is with God.  He should be where I begin to set my priorities.

God created my life and yours with a purpose in mind.  What our unique path is, only God knows. I hope I’m on the path He created for me, but sometimes I’m uncertain.  I do know He leads me even more when I seek Him.  He creates opportunities for each of us every day.  I don’t want to be busy juggling and miss my God moments.

I taught my clients this week about striving for a positive attitude in any situation.  I also was praying for good outcomes in situations out of my control.  God kept reminding me He will work all things together for my good ~Romans 8:28.  Yet, how I think is as important as what I think as I make choices each day.

God has given us brains and free will to make wise decisions.  He surrounds us with godly people & His Word for guidance.  But it’s up to us to stay focused, positive and make choices walking in faith.

While I may want to see all the steps laid out on the path God has for me, I may not be ready for all of them.  So He directs me daily and asks me to follow in faith.  He knows which ball I need to let go of or grasp more firmly and will guide me accordingly.

So as I follow, evaluate and await next steps, I am off to hang out with my children-the most precious balls in my juggling life.  I will say yes and pay attention to God and what is important by walking in faith.  The rest is just juggling.

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