There are a lot of ‘P’ words floating around my mind lately. Being present and a presence. God’s presence, additional p words (more on that in a moment) and now there’s also purpose. Our pastor spoke on our purpose Sunday and it prompted me revisit mine. Have you ever considered your purpose in life?
After I lost my mom, wow-13 years ago now, I read The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. It’s a wonderful book we should all read. However, at that time, it felt overwhelming for me. As Christians, we know our purpose and it shouldn’t have been a shock to me that Rick’s revelation and call to us (spoiler alert) were the same as Christ’s-go and make disciples. But then, it all seemed too much.
Back then, I thought, ok, I’ll start here with my family and if you have a bigger plan Lord-lead me to it. So I asked how I could help with my son’s education class at church. I wanted to support the new leader, the mission, and my son. “How about teaching the class?” was not the reply I expected. But I dove in and boy, it was scary getting up and teaching a bunch of 6-year-olds! (You know they have no filter at that age, right?) Twelve years later, I now speak, teach and write to hundreds. God is good, my friends.
He was and is with me in every single, scary, uncertain and “I don’t know what I’m doing” moment. I marvel daily at how He continues to give me words to say. I may not be preaching and making thousands of disciples daily but I think God still uses my words for an eternal purpose and impact. Whether it’s with my children, clients, friends, or family, what I say, do or don’t say or do matters. God uses all of it.
What’s my purpose? I’ve learned it’s living each day for and with God’s plan above mine-whatever that is. Last year and many times over the past 13 years especially, I’ve learned living for God means finding joy in even the joyless. It means stepping COMPLETELY out of my box. It means rejections, disappointments, and hard work that sometimes feels like it’s going nowhere-until it does.
But following and living each day for God also means daily surrendering my stuff in exchange for His. I don’t always know what that is and sometimes take wrong turns. But in it all, even wrong turns, the hard or unwanted, there is one constant-His presence.[tweetthis]Living for God means daily surrendering my stuff in exchange for His #Purpose #PresentPresence #faith[/tweetthis]
When trying to push Him and His plans away-He was there.
When taking credit or celebrating me or others instead of His provision, He was there.
When unsure of what to do or who could help, He was there.
When in front of a couple kids, hundreds on a stage or alone in a hospital, He was there.
When doubt crept in and the path was unclear, I always knew one thing:
He was THERE.
He was there and is here with us for a reason.
Wondering about your purpose? God isn’t.
He has one for all of us. He’s got it all planned-we just need to trust in His presence, provision, and plan. You may be familiar with this promise (another p-word) God gave to Jeremiah:
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. ~ Jeremiah 29:11
Let’s take this to heart. GOD HAS A PLAN for us and it’s good!! Remember Jesus said something very similar:
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. ~John 10:10 (emphasis mine)
God’s purpose is to give us a satisfying life, ours is to honor and tell others about Him. So, what are we waiting for?
Let’s not keep trying to find OUR purpose, but lean into and trust in HIS.
[tweetthis]Let’s not keep trying to find OUR purpose, but lean into and trust in HIS. #PresentPresence #faith[/tweetthis]
Yes, we can make disciples and we don’t have to be Peter, Paul or Rick Warren. Let’s be who God wants us to be every moment of every day. At home, at work, alone or with the rest of the world. Following and honoring God in the small stuff of our lives matters and is our purpose.
Let our purpose be His, trusting He’s with us in every moment.
Thanks to all of you who completed the survey last week and if you haven’t already please do! Find the survey here and chime in with your preferences on how we can Follow His Footprints together this year. Next week we’ll be starting a series through Lent on being present. It’ll be another P week as we use each letter of the word present to explore how to be present in our lives and with our Savior. Hope you’ll join me!
Loved this:
“It means stepping COMPLETELY out of my box. It means rejections, disappointments, and hard work that sometimes feels like it’s going nowhere-until it does.”
Thanks for the encouragement!
~Sherry Stahl
Thanks Sherry, glad I could encourage you today. Here’s to following God’s purpose in our lives!
Freeing words, my friend—He knows our purpose. Love those calming truths. I’m so glad He’s able to discern what feels like chaos (our lives) sometimes to us. He sees the path, even when it feels random to us—and like you said, He knows that it is good. Great post. Look forward to the upcoming series! xoxo
Thank you Brenda-resting in His purpose and following can be freeing as we surrender and trust in Him. Thanks again for your encouragement!
Leaning in with trust – amen. Today’s link-ups have a message, Jill – your’s included. Trust runs through the theme, and this girl here is listening. 😉 #chasingcommunity
Glad to hear it Kristi-love how God speaks into our lives! Thanks for stopping by!
“It means rejections, disappointments, and hard work that sometimes feels like it’s going nowhere-until it does.” Yep. Exactly like that. When you take away all the shine, you find Jesus there, getting His hands dirty. and He’s waiting for you to do the same. Powerful words, wise words here. thanks Jill. It’s been awhile. Saw you at one of the blog lists on facebook. 🙂
So glad Jesus gets His hands dirty with us, April. Thanks for your encouragement, glad you stopped by!
Thank you, Jill, for this sweet encouragement for my heart: “He was and is with me in every single, scary, uncertain and ‘I don’t know what I’m doing’ moment.” Amen!
You’re welcome and thank you for always encouraging me too, Crystal!
Well Jill, I came, I commented, I shared. But there was a glitch somewhere. My comment would not ‘go live’. But I was blessed by this post. Purpose is often a topic in my blog, and it is often on the minds of those in chronic illness. I especially liked this comment, and use it! “It means rejections, disappointments, and hard work that sometimes feels like it’s going nowhere-until it does.” That makes waiting easier! Thank you!
It’s about the obedience in it all, especially the chronic and the ‘less than’ moments, isn’t it, April. Thanks for your comments, sorry it took a bit to respond! Here’s to always following God’s purpose!