Life is full of surprises, twists, and turns. The path often shifts and we either adapt or get lost along the way. Our wellness journey can be similar. We’re functioning and feeling fine then sudden changes blow in by circumstance or choice. But even in life’s unpredictability, one constant remains: our God.
He never leaves or forgets us. He is always present, we just may not acknowledge Him in those busy, changing moments. But when we understand His presence, we can then see and sense our path. By following Him, we find our true selves.
For the last ten years or so I’ve written here about faith and soul wellness. It began to encourage others and myself in our faith walks. At the same time, I was teaching and writing on memory wellness at MemoryMinders. While writing different things, I sensed their connection.
Wellness isn’t a one time state of being, it’s an ever evolving process encompassing our entire self-soul, mind, and body. I believe wellness is interconnected and begins in our soul, is directed by our mind, and is manifested in our body. Experiencing numerous client’s, family, friends’, and my own wellness challenges reaffirmed what I learned about this connection of wellness.
When our soul is settled, we better direct our mind and body to action.
A Pivotal Change
So it’s time for a pivotal change. It’s time to not only refresh our souls but also engage our minds. This recent website update is the beginning of that change.
Soon, resources for both soul and mind wellness will be offered in addition to this blog. I envision practical, encouraging resources and courses for those seeking deeper wellness for their soul and/or mind. As always, I’ll seek God’s direction and your input on what to offer.
I’ve learned God’s plans are always better than mine. My most meaningful moments have been when I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone and into God’s will. Stepping into the unknown of God’s will can be scary yet simultaneously life-changing. It reminds me of Peter stepping out of the boat to walk on the water to Jesus. He was so full of hope in the moment and in Jesus’ presence!
It’s my hope this website pivot will provide more encouragement to refresh your soul and engage your mind as you pursue your God-given life.
Even if there are surprises, twists, and turns.
If you haven’t yet, please sign up to receive insider details on all the resources coming soon.