Plans change. Sometimes it happens to us and other times, we need to let go to change. But letting go takes trust and courage, which I don’t always possess.
Holding onto what we love or are comfortable with is easier. Letting go requires faith in something new or trusting in someone else. Failure is an option. This is why letting go can be scary, worrisome and full of anxiety. But it doesn’t have to be.
I’m a planner so one of the hardest things for me to let go of are my plans. In my MemoryMinders blog this week, I shared about how I plan my free time. I realize it’s called free time not planned time. But this is how I’m wired. When free time is needed, I plan it into my schedule. That way, I’ll honor the time doing whatever I wish, because I’ve planned it.
This may seem ridiculous, but it works for me. I just bought a new planner and I’m giddy thinking and filling it with all the plans I have for the next year. So after all that planning, letting go of my plans and/or being flexible is not always a smooth endeavor. Even stickier is when God asks me to get off my cozy couch of comfort.
I’ve been known to procrastinate, reason or logically talk to God about plan changes. I have probably missed amazing opportunities because of my disobedience in following Him outside of what’s comfortable. At the same time, I truly don’t want to miss whatever amazing path God has planned, even if it’s difficult. So, I’m trying to let go of me and follow Him.
My reason is really quite selfish: God’s way is life-changing.
His plans for us are beyond our wildest dreams with a cherry on top. I have seen first hand how following His plans leads to things, places and people I could never have found on my own. His plans are beyond anything we can imagine.
Yet some days, it’s still so hard to let go of mine to follow His.
Letting go takes an honest realization that I don’t always know what’s best. It means being lovingly humble and putting God and others first.
I want to do this and know the only way is to continually seek His strength and power. I cannot let go on my own because of my sinful, selfish nature. But because God loves us, He’s sent the Holy Spirit to help us fight those sinful tendencies. Romans 8 talks about this and here’s my favorite excerpt :
26 And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. 27 And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. 28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
I don’t always want to change my plans, desires and logical, limited view. But I do know Who to call upon when struggling. When letting go seems like too much, I hold onto the Holy Spirit to help work all things out for my good.
It’s really the only option.
Left to my own desires, I’d never seek His.
But with the Holy Spirit pleading and praying for everything I don’t even know about, my plans dissolve and His develop.
My will becomes His.
My wants yield to His ways.
Worry wanes as His peace envelops.
It changes everything.
This is what I truly want: the life-changing power of His plan directing mine and His presence providing peace.
Won’t you join me?[tweetthis]Left to my own desires, I’d never choose His. Take hold of the Holy Spirit for life changing plans [/tweetthis]
It won’t always be comfortable and we will never know all of what God has planned for us. But we can rest in His promises, knowing whatever comes our way, He’s working it all out for our good.
Let’s take that courageous, trusting leap of faith. Let’s change our plan and take hold of His.
Linking with Crystal at #HeartEncouragement and Brenda at #ChasingCommunity
Amen, friend. Why is it so hard to let go sometimes? This summer, I’m so glad I listened and let go because it’s made a world of difference for me. In fact, I plan to do this every summer from now on. 🙂 (Well, as long as God continues to agree. 🙂 ) It changes everything, indeed. 🙂 Thanks for sharing, friend. ((xoxo))
Yes, I changed things up a bit too and am so glad I did. Now planning and listening for what’s next on His life-altering path for me. Happy to link words with you as always!
Jill, letting go of our own plans does not come easily. It does take courage and trust in Him. And yet, when we take that leap of faith, let go and grab hold of His plans, we discover the best plan of all are the ones He has for us. So good to read your words today. Most timely!
Thanks Joanne-His plans are always the best, aren’t they? So happy the words He gave me today helped you today. Blessings as we both let go and grab onto His plans for us!
Doesn’t everyone plan their free time? Well, if they don’t they should. : )
This is my prayer too, Jill: “This is what I truly want: the life-changing power of His plan directing mine and His presence providing peace.” You’re right. God did align our hearts.
I think everyone should plan everything too, but God (and my more right brained friends) probably disagree. So happy to have a heart aligned to Him walking with friends who do too! Thanks Crystal!
Yes, Amen sister. I’m currently changing course and taking the plunge to do something different God has called me to and without the Spirit to cling to I’d be adrift! Blessings to you in everything you do!
Thanks Rachel-hope your plunge goes well and is everything God wants it to be. Those leaps are truly daunting, but His presence makes it even more exhilerating! Blessings as you follow and hold onto Him!
Wow Jill Great message for me. Another reminder for me to move forward on something i have been procrastinating about for several months. The Lord keeps nudging me and i keep doubting and not trusting. Also not too long ago I was fighting a change only to come to the realization that the change was God’s will for the better. It’s closed one door and instead of thinking it is one thing less i need to do I should be seeking God’s will and maybe he will be opening another door.
It can be so hard to move forward into God’s unknown-but the beauty of it is that if He’s called us to it, He’ll be there and see us through it! I’m so happy this message was helpful for you, Lenore and thanks for letting me know. Here’s to following His call!
Jill, you made me smile with planning your free time. I need to listen in to His voice and do that as well. I used to always stress out needlessly over trying to get too much done on our days off. I’d end up less rested and more stressed after free time. Go figure! I love these words: “This is what I truly want: the life-changing power of His plan directing mine and His presence providing peace.
Amen to that!
Thanks Betsy-my planning love is a blessing and a curse. Using it wisely has been a valuable lesson for me. Just like any strength, it’s great to use, but also necessary to let go at times. Thanks and I pray we all can listen and let go of what’s needed to follow Him well!
This is very timely for me as well. I’ve been working on the application process for a Master’s Degree program at one school, when everything suddenly changed. I realized God wanted me to go to a different school, so I just started that application process this week and classes start next week. But, God has sovereignly been opening the doors and I’ll start on time! He always amazes me!
Love how God shows up, redirects and plans our paths. So proud of you, Marlene for following! God is so good!
Jill, I probably do OK (for the most part) about getting out of the boat when God shows me some new challenge. I think I get bogged down in the details once I get started, instead of letting Him gently continue to lead me. Either way, we can miss God’s best.
Thanks for sharing.
Those details bog us down, don’t they, Donna? I’m right there with you and also need to listen for His gentle lead along the way. Thanks for your thoughts!
Ughhh… this is so convicting! And oddly it is the second post on changing plans I’ve read this morning… OK, God. I get it! Lord, lead me in Your direction! Thanks for challenging me today! Blessings!
Staying flexible is such a challenge for me too, Liz! I heard (and continue to hear) this message daily! You’re welcome, here’s to following God’s lead for us all! Thanks!
Loved seeing that you have a “fan-girl” at #ChasingCommunity this week, who shared this link, Jill. 🙂 Hope you have a great Labor Day weekend, friend. xoxo
Thanks Brenda! You too!