No one aspires to be in a hallway. “Have a great time in the hallway!” is not a common sentiment. But life happens in the hallways of life-on the way to where we are headed. Events may occur in these hallways changing our plans for better or worse. But many meaningful moments transpire in the hallways-let’s not overlook them.
My inspirational word for this wellness journey was “intentional”. I wanted to be intentional in focusing on my soul, mind and body wellness. Being intentional has helped to focus me even if I stumbled along the way. I reminded myself as I do my clients: it’s about the process. It is about what occurs in the small moments of life-in the hallways-that determine our wellness.
If wellness is a state of being as I believe, then wellness is shaped by those trivial moments along the way. It’s about how we think, act and react in the carpool, checkout line or sidelines of life. I admit to not always being at my best in these lesser moments. While we usually rise to the occasion of big moments, frequently it’s the small moments that profoundly define our lives and wellness. It is in these little moments I am trying to be more intentional.
Jesus came to give us a wonderful life. He died so we could live. Our response should be one of thankful, loving intention in how we live this life He died to save.
The last Lenten Wellness Journey playlist song I want to share with you speaks to this and is a great way to wrap up thoughts on this wellness journey. The song is Evidence by Citizen Way. This song describes how we should have hands that are open reaching out to others. Listening, I immediately thought of Jesus’ hands outstretched on the cross for all of us.
Lent is time to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus. Easter is a time to celebrate new life in Him. When we intentionally focus on Him, we live the life He wants for us. When we focus on ourselves, our desires become front and center. Let’s move forward from our wellness journey with intentional, loving actions as the evidence of our new lives received from Jesus’ sacrifice.
If we lose our way, a door closes or we feel alone, remember Paul’s words in Romans 8:38:
“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.”
We need to trust Him knowing He is there with us in every moment-even in the hallways when we don’t know what is next. Understand there is a reason for all of it. Maybe He’s preparing us for another hallway or allowing things to happen so we can be an encouragement to others.
Easter represents the most significant act anyone has or will ever do for us. We are all new creations through the gift of Jesus’ sacrifice. Let’s live each day with intention towards God, our lives and those small moments in the hallways. Wherever your hallway leads, follow His footprints, trust without understanding and live with intention. Truly then we will be well and living the life He died to give us.