What’s special about this moment, right now? For me, it’s conveying thoughts to you in this blog post and for you, it may be gleaning insight or encouragement by reading it. Every moment has an inherent specialness simply because we’ll never have this moment again.
Thinking of our moments as finite fragments we’ll never relive causes me to pause. Maybe because I work with those experiencing memory issues or because I’ve walked alongside loved ones at the end of their earthly moments, but I’m learning to appreciate my moments more. Am I spending them well? Am I being fully present as I follow God’s plan for my life?
As we continue our #BePresent Lenten series, we’ve explored how to be Purposeful, be present in Real life, with Eyes open and to seek God’s path when Stress threatens. Whether stressful or blissful, each moment of our lives is important in God’s plan. I’m realizing this significance and how being present includes making every moment matter. E=Every moment.
There’s a reason MemoryMinders tagline is making moments memorable. Our moments are measured by God. He gifts us with only so many, so I want to help others remember and cherish them. I try to do the same, but sometimes life’s challenges and distractions steal them away. How can we truly make every moment count?
It begins with being present and I sense that’s the reason for this series. But being present includes measuring every moment not only by how we want to live but also by how God wants us to live. [tweetthis]Being present is measuring moments not by how we want to live but how God wants us to live #BePresent[/tweetthis]
In my moments, am I blind to what God wants to show me by only seeing my wants and needs? Am I overcome by stress or seeking God’s answers to a problem? Am I wisely pursuing things, people, and experiences He wants for me or am I too busy comparing, lamenting, blaming, or worrying about what I cannot control?
In my quandary, I realize full surrender and obedience is the best course of action. We cannot worry about the future, argue about the past and still embrace each moment well. So I stop and ask the simple question-what would Jesus do?
This simple question we teach our kids points the way to making every moment matter. I doubt Jesus would continue to argue, worry, sulk, mentally check out, or procrastinate. Following His lead, let’s ask ourselves-in this moment of sadness, how can I comfort? In this moment of anger, how can I forgive or be kind? In this moment of frustration or worry, how can I fully surrender to God and trust?
In this moment God has given, how can I spend it well?
It’s not that Jesus wasn’t ever angry, sad or didn’t want to experience the difficult times of life. Think of when He cleared the temple, wept for Lazarus, or prayed fervently in the Garden.
He was fully man AND God and fully understands how life’s moments can be less than blissful. Yet, He always chose to spend every moment well. This, this is what I want.
How to do this is often where I struggle. But God’s word provides direction as always:
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. ~Romans 12:2
How to make every moment matter stems from letting God transform how we think.
Never stop praying. ~1 Thessalonians 5:17
Having problems with anything in life? Pray-not just once, but continually!
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me. ~Matthew 16:24
Lent reminds us to focus on the cross and Jesus’ saving sacrifice. All we need to do is look at His life of making every moment matter as a model on how to live ours. Sin and the enemy will threaten to steal our moments or insert roadblocks as we follow. In these moments, let’s spend them wisely by looking to Jesus as our guide. Let’s seek, pray and surrender to the One who created our moments. Then, we simply follow.
Linking with #ChasingCommunity, #HeartEncouragement & #GraceMoments
Jill, I appreciated this post and your thoughts. Today – this moment – is all we are guaranteed. May we live wisely, in the present, making the most of the time we have been given. May we keep our eyes on Him and follow, trusting Him with our days. Have a wonderful Thursday!
Thanks Joanne-yes, let’s keep our eyes and moments focused and following Him today!
Great question to ask ourselves to focus our hearts and time, Jill: “In this moment God has given, how can I spend it well?” Thank you for this reminder to use well the time we’ve been given.
Thanks Crystal, it’s a reminder I need often!
Focusing is difficult. We are all easily distracted. Cellular devices distract us from the people that we are with. The phone rings and the salesperson turns from our conversation to answer the phone. Excuse me they say to us, I need to answer the phone. How often do we do that in our spiritual lives as well. Your article is a great reminder of this important issue.
Thank you Pastor! We all need to focus and #BePresent in the moments God has graced us with!