One Word Evolution

One word. Just pick a word to focus on for 2020. It’s an powerful practice I’ve done for the last few years. I reviewed my previous words of Joy, then a Present Presence, and Encourage. Now, it’s time for a new word, and one word kept popping up.

It’s always been in the back of my mind and I’ve been doing it for much of my adult life. It keeps circling around and this year is perfect. It’s time to officially embrace and focus my work and personal efforts on this one word.


While in college, I always envisioned continuing my education to become a nursing professor. I loved teaching patients and friends and thought it would be a good way to continue my profession. But life, work, and the time and money of pursuing this goal shifted my thinking.

So, I pursued my passion as a staff nurse becoming the Staff Development Coordinator, working my way into leadership roles, and always teaching my patients. Our children came along then also caring for my ailing Mom and Grandma. MemoryMinders was formed, I began Bible studies, and continued educating our children about life. With each passing year, my teaching evolved.

I prayed and apprehensively anticipated this word because I never envisioned myself an official ‘teacher’. As a staff nurse, teaching was “staff development and patient education”. At MemoryMinders, I called it “facilitating, presenting, and speaking”. For my writing and Bible studies, it was “encouraging”. Personally, it manifested as “parenting” and “care giving”. Yes, it’s been all those things. But by paying attention and looking back, God revealed to me I’ve been teaching the entire time.

This year begins an even bigger step into teaching. As noted in my last blog post, I’m combining most of my writing and professional efforts. I am launching online courses and again shift how teaching manifests in my life. I look forward to the new methods, outlets, and opportunities God will lead me to with this new path and this one word.

Watch for the first course on habits soon. I pray the courses, social media content, and these blog posts will help us all learn new ways to engage our minds and refresh our souls. I hope to continue building a community who cares about their mind and soul wellness by sharing what God has taught me.

Last year was about listening and encouraging. This year, it’s time to teach.

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